Friday, February 24, 2012

Playing with an iPad in a web 2.0 world

I'm posting this from an iPad today. Had some fun just trying to get it all to work. The iPad was purchased last year by our now retired librarian, and I quickly learned that because he had added apps with his personal apple I'd, I could not do any of the updates. I had to revert to the original settings which resulted in these apps no longer working. At first I was mad as I had just purchased a book to read on the Kindle app and I thought I would lose it. After I reinstalled the apps, (all of which were free so not really a big deal)I discovered that my purchased book was stored in the archives and not lost after all, whew :)

Another new tool I am trying is iCloud. This was great for setting up the iPad as I was able to access the music and books my daughter had purchased recently for her iPod Touch. I also added some games from her iPod that my three year old daughter likes and I am hoping will be entertaining for our plane trip on spring break.

So far I have not experienced any difficulty in accessing and using the web 2.0 tools I am exploring on the iPad. I did add the Evernote app and want to see if that can help with my "to do list" obsession - I installed it on my laptop as well.

As a side note, I am loving iGoogle, especially Google Reader! What a great tool and it is saving me so much time. I have even been able to provide quick feedback to my principal when she has posted TWICE :) this week on her new blog.

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